Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bon swa!

We arrived in Port Au Prince around 4:30, but unfortunately the "customs" here are a bit different than in the US. Rather than having x-ray scans, the bags are checked at random. It just so happened there were at least 6 duffle bags full of medicine, shoes, etc. that were all confiscated.  Apparently you need a permit to transport medicinal supplies here, but it's never been a problem on previous trips. Oh well, we should be getting them back on Monday. It's probably a good foreshadowing of what's to come. My memories couldn't have prepped me for the poverty I've already seen. We cruised for about 20 minutes in a van over rocky, pothole infested roads to the guesthouse we're now at. Right now I'm listening to this guy name Lee Rainboth, who just graduated from Iowa State and is living for 6 months in a remote Haitian village you have to wade across a river then hike up a mountain to get to. Fun stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where R dA pix?!